Guiding Principles

-Mutual respect: we should feel our work and inputs are heard and acknowledged.

-Positivity and satisfaction: we strive to feel happy about the work we produce.

-Balance: We respect each other’s limitations in terms of physical and emotional health.


Our ultimate goal is to develop a product design that will provide a sense of community to amateur consumers of art at WCMA and around the world.

Communication, Decision-Making and Critique

-We speak openly about our feelings with the mutual understanding that we may disagree.

-We consider all opinions holistically and strive to compromise, resolve and build on each idea.

-We view conflicts as lessons and opportunities to learn about each other and strengthen the team

-We do not criticize group members’ products behind their backs.

Collaboration and Division of Labor

-We are understanding of the commitments of each team member

-We are clear about our time limitations and capabilities

-We delegate tasks together, taking into consideration strengths and preferences, with each member getting opportunity to perform diverse roles

-We will redistribute work assignments if we feel the tasks have been divided inequitably

-We will track our deliverables, due dates and progress in Trello, a team project task organizer.

Accountability and Reward

-Good work is rewarded with positive feedback and group satisfaction

-We strive to be present at group meetings in a timely manner

-We communicate concerns about accountability or individual contributions openly and in an honest, inclusive fashion

-Each individual is responsible for putting in their best effort on their delegated tasks in a timely manner

-We don’t call each other out; we call each other in


-Meeting times:

Wednesday 4:00 PM Lee’s

Saturday 3:00 PM Lee’s

More meetings as needed

-Conflict management We communicate potential conflicts with our teammates at least 5 hours prior to the arrangement

Meeting procedures

Pre-meeting: Create meeting-specific To-Do doc and each add any specific points we want to discuss

Begin: Discuss goals for meeting

Check-in: Discuss any outstanding general or specific concerns

Work time: Work on meeting goals

End: Discuss deliverables and delegate tasks to team members


We check in with each other about overarching thoughts or concerns regarding the team and its dynamics every 2 weeks and more often as needed.